The Emperor’s New ‘Shower Curtain’—An Airbnb Bathroom Experience Got Bad

Q: I stayed at an Airbnb recently and they didn’t have a shower curtain or door to prevent the floor and wood vanity from getting wet. The owner said it was designed that way and that’s why the shower head is placed up high. Is this a new design trend?

A: Wow. That is an interesting experience you had. Based on what you describe, no, this is not a new trend.

Why? Because the physical nature of water hasn’t changed: water + applied pressure = spray, and spray gets things wet.

However, wet rooms are entire bathrooms designed to get wet.

You’ll know if it’s a true wet room because the middle of the floor has a drain, and the floor and walls will be tiled and waterproofed. The sink would most likely be a pedestal sink devoid of a vanity to avoid damp buildup, mold & rot.

So if it’s not a wet room, you will need a clever way to deflect water from getting things wet, like a shower curtain or shower door, etc. and not just a clever excuse for being thrifty to your Airbnb guests.

—C O N T A C T U S F O R D E S I G N H E L P—

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